專利資訊幫助研究者確認新點子. 產品可行性,節省時間. 金錢及避免重複。瞭解並掌握各國專利資訊,評估與預測技術發展,以保障自身相關技術的權益;藉各國申請狀況以瞭解其技術研發層次,規劃自己的技術發展項目,並掌握企業發展動向及市場實際需求。
1.中華民國專利資訊檢索系統( http://twpat.tipo.gov.tw/)
2. ITIS智網(http://www.itis.org.tw/)
3. 博碩士論文網 (http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi/login?ssoauth=1&loadingjs=1&o=dwebmge&cache=1495617157161)
國家/組織專利局 |
資料庫 |
網址 |
說明 |
歐洲專利局(EPO) |
esp@cenet |
提供一般大眾免費查找全球專利資訊 |
日本 (JPO) |
https://www.j-platpat.inpit.go.jp/web/all/top/BTmTopEnglishPage |
提供檢索日本的特許專利,並可瀏覽所有日本專利全文說明書,免費提供所有日本特許專利全文影像檔 |
韓國 (KIPO) |
為南韓(KR)專利檢索系統英文版,可顯示英文摘要,專利說明書全文以韓文為主。涵蓋範圍自1979年以後之專利書目、專利說明書及圖形檔部分。免費使用 |
美國 (USPTO) |
http://patft.uspto.gov/ |
USPTO是美國專利和商標事務的專責機構,除負責美國專利申請案件,同時也開放免費查詢所有的美國專利資料檢索服務 |
世界智慧財產權組織 (WIPO) |
PatentScope |
由世界知識產權組織(WIPO)建立,提供PCT電子公報(PCTE1ectronic Gazette)、馬德里快報資料庫(Madrid Express Database)、美國專利資料庫、加拿大專利資料庫、 歐洲專利資料庫和 JOPAL科技期刊資料庫 |
中國大陸 (SIPO) |
CNIPR收錄1985年以來的中國專利資訊,可免費下載說明書全文,提供所有中國專利的全文影像檔及其法律狀態資訊 |
加拿大 (CIPO) |
Canadian Patent Database |
http://brevets-patents.ic.gc.ca/opic-cipo/cpd/eng/introduction.html |
澳洲 (IP Australia) |
AusPat |
紐西蘭(IPONZ) |
Patent Search |
新加坡 (IPOS) |
ePatents |
1. Google Patent (http://www.google.com/patents)
2. FreePatentsOnline (http://www.freepatentsonline.com/search.html)
3. erawatch (http://cordis.europa.eu/erawatch/index.cfm)
4. ipo (www.ipo.org)
5. patentlens (http://www.patentlens.net/daisy/patentlens/patentlens.html)
6. patentfetcher (http://free.patentfetcher.com/)
7. surfip (https:/www.ipos.gov.sg/)
8. ip (http://ip.com/)
為防禦性公開技術資訊資料庫,惟僅能瀏覽影像第1頁,整份下載需收費,另本局及各服務處內網亦提供連結至ip.com,可瀏覽所 有影像及免費下載。
9. 特許調査・検索のリンク集 (http://www.ac.cyberhome.ne.jp/~osk.an/pat/linkp.html)
10. inpit (http://www.inpit.go.jp/)
11. ipnewsflash (http://www.ipnewsflash.com/)
供應商 |
資料庫 |
網址 |
ProQuest |
Dialog |
http://www.proquest.com/products-services/ProQuest-Dialog.html |
Elsevier |
Science Direct |
Thomson Reuters |
Web of Knowledge |
為最廣為使用之化學化工資料庫,收錄期刊論文、博碩士論文和化學專業書籍等資料外,亦提供查詢全世界50國的專利資料。 查詢方式:除可用專利編號、Assignee name、發明人等3種欄位查詢外,亦可用以下方式查詢:利用化學物質登錄號(CAS RN) 來檢索不同化學名命名專利;利用化學品名稱、分子式來檢索或畫出化學結構式來比對化合物專利資料。
1. Definition
To preserve people’s rights of invention and creation, the rights gain from Intellectual Property Office (IPO) are called patent rights.
2. Function
Patent information helps researchers confirm new idea and product feasibility, saving time, money and avoid repeating. To protect the right of relevant skill, we should realize and control the patent information, also, evaluate and forecast the development of them. By application conditions from other countries, we can realize their technical levels and plan our own development projects, then controlling the developments of companies and the actual demand of market.
3. Recognize Patent Information
There are patent gazettes, patent specifications, patent abstracts and index tools. The former two are original materials and the latter two are materials arranged from the former two.
Patent Gazettes
The patent authorities from different countries uncover the contents of patent applications and materials of related bibliography. Take Taiwan as an example, the main contents of patent gazettes include: bibliographic information, patent claims and illustration, etc.
Patent Specifications
They are important documents that make the patent contents become words. It is also a necessary document when applying for patent. It includes the word description of invention content, which means its technical illustration, and explains the reference of the contract terms by using drawings.
Patent gazettes are mass published materials, they may only gazette part of materials, while patent specifications are public documents which uncover the patented technology detailedly.
Content and format: It can divide into five items, which are title, abstract, illustration, patent claims and drawings.
4. How to Find the Patent Materials
Patent gazettes and patent specifications are public documents, so we can use the platform search of patent databases from various countries to look up the patent information that we need.
Our library collects and arranges the free patent databases from different countries as follows to provide people to use:
(1)Taiwan Patent
Taiwan Patent Search 〈our patent〉
It is established for Intellectual Property Office and offers the database of patent specifications of our country. It provides Taiwan patent search after 1950 and the inquiry of patent law cases gratuitously.
(2)United State Patent
United States Patent and Trademark Office:USPTO
● United States Patent and Trademark Office:USPTO Patent Full-text Database : It is a dedicated organization in charge of US patent and trademark. It is not only in charge of the patent applications, but also opens the free inquiry of American patent data retrieval.
● Google Patent Search : It can search the full-text of US patent, including connecting to the quotes from US patent, the image files of patent specification and the patent full-text in PDF right away.
(3)European Patent
The patent database of European Patent Office offers common people to search the worldwide patent information.
(4)Japanese Patent
Industrial Property Digital Library:It provides the public to search the Japanese licensed patents and can surf all Japanese patent specifications. Also, it provides the images of Japanese licensed patents gratuitously.
(5)Chinese Patent
● China Intellectual Property Right Net
It includes the Chinese patent information after 1985 and can download the full-text specification gratuitously. It also provides entire image files of Chinese patent full-text and the information of legal conditions.
(6)Korean Patent
● Korean Intellectual Property Rights Information Service It is an English version of Korea patent search system. It can show the English abstract while the patent specifications were mainly written in Korean. It includes patent bibliographies, images and patent specifications. All of them are free to use.
(7)Worldwide Patent Search Database
CA Plus is a chemical database which was widely used. It not only collects periodicals, dissertations and chemical professional books, but also provides search for patent information from other fifty countries in the world.
Search method: Besides using patent numbers, assignee names and inventors to search, it also can search by these following ways:
(1) Use CASRN to seek different chemical patents
(2) Use the titles of the chemicals and the molecular formulas to search or draw the structural formulas, then compare the patent information of the compounds.
● Patent Lens
It can search the entire patent information of US, EU, Australia and world. It can connect the quotes from US patent, the patent family and the images of patent full-text in PDF right away.
● World Intellectaul Property Organization(WIPO)
It provides PCT electronic Gazette, Madrid Express Database, US patent database, Canadian patent database, European patent database and JOPAL technical periodical database.
● Discovery Gate
It is an exploratory website which can integrate, index and connect scientific information. It can also access compound, related data, reaction, original periodical and patent right away.