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台灣文學與跨國文化研究所學科指引 Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature and Transnational Cultural Studies: 期刊資源 Journals

期刊推薦 Journals For You

核心期刊 Core Journals

# Journal ISSN
1 Asian Theatre Journal
0305-7410, 1468-2648
2 Boundary 2
0190-3659, 1527-2141
3 China Quarterly
0305-7410, 1468-2648
4 CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture
5 Comparative Literature
0010-4124, 1945-8517
6 Comparative Literature Studies
0010-4132, 1528-4212
7 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies
1464-9373, 1469-8447
8 Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies
1369-801X, 1469-929X
9 Journal of Asian Studies
0021-9118, 1752-0401
10 Modern Chinese Literature and Culture
11 New Literary History
0028-6087, 1080-661X​
12 Positions: Asia Critique
13 The Drama Review

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