Communication & Media Studies
1 | University of Oxford |
2 | Stanford University |
3 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) |
4 | Harvard University |
5 | University of California, Berkeley |
6 | Tsinghua University |
7 | Peking University |
8 | University of PennsyIvania |
9 | Columbia University |
10 | University of California |
註:《泰晤士高等教育世界大學排名》(英文:Times Higher Education World University Rankings)為《泰晤士高等教育》雜誌之增刊所發表的年度世界大學排名。
Circle 是由幾位對於網路發展、社群行銷、創業等議題有著非常熱誠的人所共同創辦。
Circle 可以協助進行以下事項:1.新創網路服務與新創行動運用分析2.創投分析3.雲端相關規劃4.網路、社群、整合行銷分析5.視覺規劃與建議6.商業模式建議7.Circle策展8.不定期Circle座談。
Creative Industries Federation
Creative Industries Federationis the national membership organisation for the public arts, cultural education and creative industries.
Bring the multinational company together with the symphony orchestra, the digital start-up with the art gallery; the university with the architects' practice; the film studio with the individual potter or playwright.
Global Entrepreneurship and Development Institute
The GEDI Institute is a non-profit organisation that advances research on links between entrepreneurship, economic development and prosperity.The main contribution of The GEDI Institute is the GEI index, a breakthrough advance in measuring the quality and dynamics of entrepreneurship ecosystems at a national, regional and local level.
在數位科技的變革之下,品牌策略和行銷方式隨時都在改變,Motive 主要目的為建立一個長久完整的「行銷知識與案例」資料庫。每週四出刊,探討一個和商業有關的行銷策略。
Queensland university of technology Creative Industries
The Creative Industries Faculty generates ideas and talent for the creative arts, entertainment, media and design. is a Web portal and content Web site that aims to promote the arts and culture of Taiwan. aims to be Taiwan culture's main window on the Web
UK Creative Industries aims to recognise the enormous contribution and influence of the UK creative industries and their potential to generate future value via international trade and investment. The site collates statistics, case studies, relevant news and commentary, predictions and key contact details from these industries.
《Wired》自 1993 年創刊,偏向討論網路與人的關係,以及它在多大程度上改變人類的生活,同時還包括技術對於政治、文化等方面的影響。線上版 Wired.com採用了卡片式的內容展示,清晰的區分為: Business、Design、Entertainment、Gear、Science、Security 六大板塊。
BusinessUSA implements a "no wrong door" approach for small businesses and exporters by using technology to quickly connect businesses to the services and information relevant to them.More federal agencies continue to add resources to BusinessUSA to encompass the full range of business programs and services. BusinessUSA will be designed, tested, and built with the active feedback of U.S. businesses.
Department for Business Innovation & Skills(BIS)
BIS is the department for economic growth. The department invests in skills and education to promote trade, boost innovation and help people to start and grow a business.
Department of Commerce (USA)
The Department is comprised of 12 bureaus that work together to drive progress in four business-facing key goal areas:1.Trade and Investment 2.Innovation 3.Environment 4.Data
Department of Commerce (Australia)
Department of Industry and Science (Australia)
The department consolidates the Australian Government’s efforts to drive economic growth, productivity and competitiveness by bringing together industry, energy, resources, science and skills.
Department of state development business and innovation
The Department develops and implements a diverse range of programs, initiatives and projects.These activities are designed to: attract and facilitate investment; encourage exports; generate job opportunities; stimulate innovation; create opportunities for businesses and communities; create strong regional and rural communities and economies; strengthen earth resources and maintain a competitive energy sector; and promote Victoria.
North Carolina Department of Commerce
The North Carolina Department of Commerce is the state's lead agency for economic, community and workforce development. The Department works with local, regional, national and international organizations to fulfill its mission to improve the economic well-being and quality of life for all North Carolinians.
The Economic Census is the U.S. Government's official five-year measure of American business and the economy. It is conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau, and response is required by law.As part of the U.S.Census Bureau's mission to measure America's economy, the last Economic Census is being conducted for the year ending December 2012.