China and human rights in North Korea : debating a "developmental approach" in Northeast Asia by He, Baogang, 1957- editor.; Hundt, David, editor.; Pan, Chengxin, editor.By exploring the "China factor" in the North Korean human rights debate, this book evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of applying the Chinese development-based approach to human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). The contributors to this book treat the relevance of the Chinese experience to the DPRK seriously and evaluate how it might apply to easing North Korean human rights issues. They engage with the debate about the relevance of the developmental or development-based approach to North Korea. In doing so, they problematise, scrutinise and contextualise the development-based approach in Northeast Asia, including China, and examine different responses to the developmental approach and the influence of domestic politics on these responses. A valuable contribution to discussions on possible ways forward for human rights in North Korea and an insightful critique of the Northeast Asian development model more broadly.
Call Number: 323.095193 C441
ISBN: 9781032006024
Publication Date: 2022
IR : seeking security, prosperity, and quality of life in a changing world by Scott, James M., 1964- author.; Carter, Ralph G., author.; Drury, A. Cooper, 1967- author.Individual security and global governance - the juxtaposition of the basic concepts essential for the 'good life', which would have been recognised by Aristotle - are now at the frontier of thinking on international relations. Based on the work of a range of international scholars and policymakers, this volume examines the economic diversity between the richest and poorest countries of the world. Human security and global governance stand as extremes in the political spectrum. The juxtaposition of these concepts with contributions from Richard Falk, Mahbub ul-Haq, David Krieger and Jonathan Friedman cover a huge field, including reform of the UN, the nuclear threat, English language hegemony and cultural security, ethnic conflict, and human security for women.
Call Number: 327 Sco84 2022
ISBN: 9781071841020
Publication Date: 2022
Nationalisms in International Politics by Kathleen E. PowersWith nationalism on the rise around the world, many worry that nationalistic attitudes could lead to a surge in deadly conflict. To combat this trend, federations like the European Union have tried to build inclusive regional identities to overcome nationalist distrust and inspire international cooperation. Yet not all nationalisms are alike. Nationalisms in International Politics draws on insights from psychology to explore when nationalist commitments promote conflict-and when they foster cooperation. Challenging the received wisdom about nationalism and military aggression, Kathleen Powers differentiates nationalisms built on unity from those built on equality, and explains how each of these norms give rise to distinct foreign policy attitudes. Combining innovative US experiments with fresh analyses of European mass and elite survey data, she argues that unity encourages support for external conflict and undermines regional trust and cooperation, whereas equality mitigates militarism and facilitates support for security cooperation. Nationalisms in International Politics provides a rigorous and compelling look at how different forms of nationalism shape foreign policy attitudes, and raises important questions about whether transnational identities increase support for cooperation or undermine it.
Call Number: 320.54 P873
ISBN: 0691224579
Publication Date: 2022-02-15
Routledge Handbook of Contemporary South Korea by Sojin Lim; Niki J. P. AlsfordThe Routledge Handbook of Contemporary South Korea offers a ground-breaking study of the socio-political development of the Korean peninsula in the contemporary period. Written by an international team of scholars and experts, contributions to this book address key intellectual questions in the development of Korean studies, projecting new ways of thinking about how international systems can be organised and how local societies adapt to global challenges. Academically rigorous, each chapter defines current research and lends the reader greater understanding of the social, cultural, economic, and political developments of South Korea, ranging from chapters on the Korean Wave to relations with North Korea and the Korean language overseas. The volume is divided into eight sections, each representing a focused area of inquiry: socio-political history contemporary politics political economy and development society culture international relations security and diplomacy South Korea in international education This handbook provides an interdisciplinary and comprehensive account of contemporary South Korea. It will be of great interest to students and scholars of Korean history, politics and international relations, culture and society, and will also appeal to policy makers interested in the Indo-Asia Pacific region.
Call Number: 951.9504 R765
ISBN: 9780367458201
Publication Date: 2022
South Korea's foreign aid : the domestic politics of middle power diplomacy by Kim, Hyo-Sook, 1981- author.Trust in International Cooperation challenges conventional wisdoms concerning the part which trust plays in international cooperation and the origins of American multilateralism. Brian C. Rathbun questions rational institutionalist arguments, demonstrating that trust precedes rather than follows the creation of international organizations. Drawing on social psychology, he shows that individuals placed in the same structural circumstances show markedly different propensities to cooperate based on their beliefs about the trustworthiness of others. Linking this finding to political psychology, Rathbun explains why liberals generally pursue a more multilateral foreign policy than conservatives, evident in the Democratic Party's greater support for a genuinely multilateral League of Nations, United Nations and North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Rathbun argues that the post-World War Two bipartisan consensus on multilateralism is a myth, and differences between the parties are growing continually starker.